We are in the business of keeping people safe and believe that our long term success is founded on our ability to identify, assess and manage risk.
Industrial Risk
14,782 industrial and commercial premises
- 23 top Tier COMAH sites
- 2 Power Stations; 1 Nuclear and 1 Gas
- 12 onshore and 1 offshore windfarm
- 7 Solar Powered Energy Farms
- Rail Network
km 2 Area
- 4 local authority areas
- 2,502 km of A and B road networks
- Hartlepool and Teesport handle 28m tonnes exports and imports
- Tees Valley International Airport: 150,735 passengers and 16,746 aircraft movements
- 51.1% male, 48.9% female
- 91.7% white, 8.2% BME
- 50.5% Christian
- 21% of people have limited disability
High Levels
- 41% of all Lower Layer Super output areas are within the top two high ranking areas for deprivation nationally
- 57% of the population live within the 4 highest ranking areas for deprivation
- 42% of population live within the 2 highest ranking areas for deprivation nationally
- 20% of dwellings are social housing
- 44% Council Tax Band A (23% nationally)
- 63% Council Tax Band A or B(43% nationally)
per 1,000 population
- compared to national average of 92